There is a long night when Hugo, a civil servant, is sitting on the stairs of the ministry where he works. He can't face going home.
The images of the mysterious 8 mm films he found in Antonio's house after he passed away keep coming back to his mind.
Hugo remembers the day when António, his superior at the ministry, told him that he was going to die.
Indirectly Antonio seemed to want to tell him something about Hugo himself.
Hugo's desire to understand what it was that remained unsaid between the two of them, triggers other memories from the past.
Hugo unexpectedly thinks back on the last time he saw the woman he loved, Adriana, and relives once more what he feels has been his unlived life.
Vítor Gonçalves, film-maker for every season
The Guardian
The Invisible Life: Edinburgh 2014 first look review
Front Page
Gala SPA | RTP Prémio Autores de 2015 - Best Film and Best Actor (João Perry)
I Mille Occhi Film Festival, Trieste 2015 - Anno Uno Award to Vítor Gonçalves
Cast and Crew
DIRECTOR Vítor Gonçalves SCRIPT Vítor Gonçalves, Mónica Santana Baptista, Jorge Braz Santos CAST Filipe Duarte, João Perry, Maria João Pinho IMAGE Leonardo Simões EDITING Rodrigo Pereira, Rui Alexandre Santos CONTINUITY Mónica Santana Baptista ASSISTANT DIRECTORS Jorge Braz Santos ART DIRECTOR Patrícia Maravilha ART DIRECTOR ASSISTANT Rita Fontes WARDROBE Sílvia Siopa, Paula Guerreiro MAKE UP Rita Castro IMAGE ASSISTANTS Hugo Azevedo, Inês Gonçalo RESEARCH Mariana Gaivão, Ricardo Gonçalves DIRECT SOUND Ricardo Ganhão SOUND EDITING Luis Zhang, André Rosado VOICE OVER AND DUBBING Pedro Oliveira MIX William Chadwick FOLEYS UNIVERSAL SOUND, Paul Hanks, Simon Trundle, Rhiannon Jones, Alex Horlick MUSIC Sinan C. Savaskan GRADING Rob May ELECTRICIAN Raúl Caldas POST-PRODUCTION COORDINATOR Mariana Correia, Barbara Pacheco, Louise Simpson, Rhianna Andrews TITLES Rita Patacas, João Vaz PRODUCTION ASSISTANTS Madalena Vilaverde, Nuno Mendes, Fabiana Gomes PRODUCTION CHIEF Diogo Guerreiro PRODUCTION DIRECTOR Sofia Camillo, Sandra Figueiredo PRODUCERS Pedro Fernandes Duarte, Rui Alexandre Santos, Maria João Sigalho, Christopher Young