She’s nineteen, her name is Rita. She works at the perfume shop at the mall. Today, she’s getting married. She goes to the hairdresser. Earthquake. She suddenly decides to cut her hair short. Paulo, her fiancé, is waiting at the town hall. What is going to happen? You'll have to see it.
Joaquim Sapinho trouxe uma lufada de ar fresco ao cinema português
Luís Osório "Geração Sapinho"
Pedro Dias de Almeida
Máquina Zero - 29 Fevereiro 1996
Jornal de Letras, Rodrigues da Silva
Os verdes anos - 28 Fevereiro 1996
Best Screenplay
Award for Audiovisual Creation – Union Européenne de Radiodifusion, UER, 1995
International Press Award Best Actress
Film Festival Stars de Demain, Genéve, Switzerland 1995
Best Director Award
Kodak Latino Film Festival, Chicago, USA 1996
Best Cinematography
Festival Cine Jove, Valencia, Spain 1996
PROCIREP Award Special Feature Film
Premiers Plans Festival, Angers, France 1996