The silent darkness of the bedroom is broken by a greeting message in the answering-machine. A sudden awakening for Chico on his thirtieth birthday.
What a mess! Too late to meet his girlfriend, too late for the meeting at Expo’98, and, even worse, an outsize hangover. But that’s not all. Lying next to him in bed is a young man with whom he has spent the night.
He must now pick up the threads of his everyday live. Meanwhile his companion from the night before, with blue eyes and feline body, wanders around the house feeling both curious and amused, with the restless happiness of a twenty year old with all the time in the world to spare.
It is his hunger for life that, in an undeclared game, will transform what could otherwise have been a normal birthday morning for Chico...
" An Exemplary Fable"...) a funny and ironic speech about ambiguities."
"The most stimulating short film from the last years (...) a film maker is born"
Jury's Special Mention
54th Venice International Film Festival - Venice, Italy, 1997
Best Actor
Eduardo Sobral IV Iberian Film Festival - Badajoz, Spain, 1998
Cast and Crew
DIRECTOR João Pedro Rodrigues SCRIPT João Pedro Rodrigues CAST João Rui Guerra da Mata, Eduardo Sobral, Sónic - O Gato IMAGE João Pedro Rodrigues EDITOR Vítor Alves, João Pedro Rodrigues SOUND Nuno Carvalho, Miguel Sotto Mayor MIX Joaquim Pinto POST-PRODUCTION Pedro Caldas PRODUCTION ASSISTANTS João Figueiras, João Rui Guerra da Mata, Sérgio Matos PRODUCTION DIRECTOR Paula de Oliveira PRODUCER Amândio Coroado