Rosa Filmes Productions
João Bénard da Costa - Others Will Love The Things I Have Loved - 2014
4 Hearts - 2005
José Cardoso Pires - 1998
Portuguese Cinema? - 1997
Lisbon in Cinema - 1994
Other Productions
Cinzas e Brasas - 2015
Cinema - Alguns Cortes: Censura III - 2015​
Ruínas - 2009
Aldina Duarte - Princesa Prometida - 2009
Diva - 2007
Olhar o Cinema Português - 2006
Sobre o Mar - 2003
António Pinto Vargas - Notas de um Compositor - 2002
Erupção - 2001
Crescei e Multiplicai-vos - 2000
Censura: Alguns Cortes - 1999
Quando Troveja - 1999
Solitarium - 1996
Xavier - 1991
Um Passo, Outro Passo e Depois... - 1988
Manuel Mozos
Manuel Mozos was born in Lisbon in 1959. He graduated in Cinema in 1984 at the Escola de Cinema do Conservatório de Lisboa (National Film School). He then worked with several prominent portuguese directors as Editor, Scriptwriter or Assistant director.
He has also worked in theater and maintains a regular collaboration with various publications, schools, universities, cultural associations, film societies and festivals.
Since 2002 he works in ANIM, the film archives of the Portuguese Cinematheque on the identification, preservation and restoration of 35mm and 16mm films.
As a director, his first work was A STEP, THEN ANOTHER STEP... (1989) which won the Award for Best Foreign Film at Entrevues, Belfort Film Festival in 1990. Since then he has directed over twenty films ranging from fiction to documentary, both shorts and features. Among those the most influential fiction features are: WHEN IT THUNDERS (1999), XAVIER (2002) and 4 HEARTS (2008) and the documentaries: LISBON IN CINEMA (1994), PORTUGUESE CINEMA - DIALOGUES WITH JOÃO BÉNARD DA COSTA (1997) and RUINS (2009) which on several awards in film festivals.
He has now finished is latest documentary, JOÃO BÉNARD DA COSTA - OTHERS WILL LOVE THE THINGS I HAVE LOVED on the life the great director of the Portuguese Cinematheque which premiered in 2014.